
Every staked position (spNFT) has the following basic information:

  • a unique ID

  • a deposit LP token

  • a deposit LP token amount

  • an APY

  • optional lock settings (duration, start/end time)

  • multipliers information


Here is the list of available interactions available to a staked position's owner:

  • Deposit: Add more tokens to the position and Resets the lock if the position is locked.

  • Withdraw: Withdraw an amount of tokens from the position. If the position is emptied, the spNFT is automatically burned. Can't be used if the position is locked.

  • Harvest: Harvest all pending rewards (xIGN and IGN) from the position. Only used when yield incentives are allocated to the position's LP token.

  • Lock: Lock an unlocked position for a given duration.

  • Extend: If the position is already locked, renews or extend the lock duration.

  • Transfer: Transfer the position to another address.

  • Split: Split the position into two, dividing between them the original amount. If the original position is locked, the new one will be as well with the exact same settings.

  • Merge: Merge positions into one. The final position will use the longest lock duration and farthest end lock time among all the merged positions.


It's possible to specify a lock duration when creating a position, implying it will be impossible to withdraw anything from the spNFT until the end of the lock.

Every wrapped Ignite LP has its own lock settings (max lock duration, and its matching max lock multiplier).

A lock will provide a yield bonus based on this multiplier if the position's LP is incentivized, and can be a needed requirement to have the right to stake on a Nitro Pool.

This bonus will be linearly calculated proportionally to the duration of the lock and the maximum lock multiplier.

Over time, we wish to delegate control over the lock settings and its associated multiplier to the LP's protocol themselves.

However, the process will be regulated by the DAO governance.


Finally, every yield-bearing spNFT will have its own APY, based on:

  • The allocation set by the Master to the wrapped LP

  • The lock multiplier

  • The YieldBooster multiplier

Last updated