Manage spNFT position

spNFTs can be managed in multiple ways on the position management panel. To access the panel, simply choose your spNFT from the Positions tab

  • Basic utilities (deposit, withdraw, harvest)

  • Adjust locks

  • Boost and un-boost staked positions (spNFT)

  • Transfer your spNFT position to another wallet address

  • Split spNFT position

  • Merge spNFT positions

  • Stake in Nitro

Add, withdraw liquidity and harvest pending rewards

  • By adding the same LP you used to create an spNFT position, you can increase your position

  • Through the withdrawal function, staked positions can be withdrawn back into LP tokens or single assets in full or in part

  • Harvesting allows you to claim your pending rewards from an active farm

Lock and renew

  • The Lock function lets you lock your staked position for a duration of your choice. The longer you lock, the higher your Multiplier bonus from farming emissions

  • You can renew the duration of your lock, but you must renew it for at least the same number of days as are left on the lock

Boost and unboost

  • By clicking the Yield Boost button, you can boost your position instead of using the yield booster page

  • As above, except that unboost works in the opposite direction

Split, merge and transfer

  • The split function allows you to split your staked position with a ratio set by you. Some settings of a position are adapted when a position is split, such as the lock duration. Positions that were yield-boosted will maintain their boost on the original ID position

  • The merge function enables you to combine multiple staked positions that share the same pair, with no limit to the number of positions you can merge. Whenever you merge multiple positions, the longest lock from a particular position is always applied to the merged position

  • Using the transfer feature, you can transfer staked positions from one wallet to another, thereby making the receiving wallet the owner of the staked positions

Last updated