Genesis farms

The Genesis farms are based on our existing Nitro pool reward structure. You can think of them as exclusive farms for early adopters.

Genesis farms are designed to bootstrap the initial liquidity for Ignite before our token goes live and provide the community with an early and attractive opportunity to accumulate xIGN.

In some cases, genesis farms will distribute not only xIGN, but also incentives from a second token, usually directly provided by a partner protocol.

But even more interesting: when regular farming rewards are live, the genesis stakers will simultaneously cumulate genesis AND farming rewards, making it extra profitable!

Genesis pools will progress according to the following timeline: (3pm UTC for each stage)

  • TBA: Genesis pools are published and open to deposits

  • TBA: Genesis pools rewards start being allocated to depositors (but can't be harvested yet)

  • TBA: Genesis pools are definitively closed to deposits

  • TBA: Rewards from genesis pools can be harvested

The Genesis farms will go live on TBA, and deposits will remain open until TBA — after this point, deposits are no longer possible. Rewards for the genesis farms will begin from TBA and will be linearly distributed for six months.

You'll be able to see your genesis rewards accumulate from TBA, but won't be able to harvest them before TBA.

How to participate?

Liquidity must be converted into a staked position (spNFT) before it can be deposited into any Genesis farm. To supply initial liquidity to Ignite and earn rights to six months of xIGN emissions, a staked position must be created on:

Be sure to select the "spNFT" tab and add your liquidity. You will now need to go to the Genesis farms page and select the matching pool into which you'll deposit your newly created position:

See the link for detailed instructions on creating position and depositing into Genesis Farm

Depositors will linearly earn emissions in xIGN during the six months following the public sale. They can withdraw anytime, at which point their share of the emissions will be redirected to the remaining participants.

In other words, withdrawing from a Genesis farm before its end is entirely possible, meaning that your remaining allocated rewards will be redistributed to the remaining stakers, as in a typical farm.

How to calculate my rewards?

5% of IGN's total supply has been allocated for the genesis pool rewards, guaranteeing high-yield returns. However, giving an accurate APR number will be initially impossible since IGN won't be priced yet.

Consequently, once live, every genesis farm will have a custom APR calculator allowing users to estimate their expected returns based on an estimated FDV.

Most importantly, once standard liquidity mining emissions go live after the public sale, genesis depositors will be earning both the farming rewards PLUS the genesis farm rewards and any additional bonus from boost their LPs.

To summarize, the genesis farm yields will be additional rewards on top of any base liquidity mining rewards we provide to the pools. This, therefore, enables a significant yield earning opportunity for early users.

Pool offering

The main pools will consist of popular traded pairs on Ignite. They will be split between "main" liquidity and launch partner pools that we'll progressively reveal until the effective start of the genesis.

Last updated